
Our curriculum extends beyond the walls of the classroom. Educators continue to work alongside the children encouraging them to immerse themselves into their natural world where they are free to inquire, explore, and reflect.

The environments at Creative Explorations are designed to act as a third teacher. It is a mutual agreement between child, families, and educators that the environments are to be respected and cared for. The classroom layout is carefully arranged to provide an abundance of opportunity for communication and relationships, as well as space to be alone or in small groups to support self awareness and regulation. The environments are aesthetically arranged with natural, muted colors, wooden furniture, and natural attributes. Provocations are carefully designed daily and presented throughout the environment. Children’s creative expression and works are intentionally documented in each classroom through photographs, art samples, and descriptions.

Experiential Education in the Natural World

Our outdoor classrooms reflect the same experiential, interdisciplinary, socio-constructivism curriculum as our indoor classrooms- only better!

We believe children are challenged and motivated to process complex concepts best when immersed in their natural world. We utilize our outdoor classrooms daily, regardless of weather conditions.

Children are encouraged to explore the world around them and gain a love and respect for it.

“Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives.”
~Thomas Berry


Outdoor Classrooms

Our outdoor classrooms support social-emotional and cognitive development. Children will be encouraged to explore their natural world daily, including; naturally enhanced play spaces, trails, nature paradises enriched by fallen trees and large boulders, vernal pools, rolling hills of grass and berry bushes, puddles and mud made from precipitation and ice melting.

There are many benefits to messy outdoor play which includes the exploration of mud and water year round. Some benefits in which are social and include peer cooperation, problem solving, critical thinking and expressive language. Other benefits can be accomplished on a more intimate level as children mature their sensory skills, artistic expression, and imagination.

Environmental Stewardship

Our curriculum extends beyond the walls of the classroom. Educators continue to work alongside the children encouraging them to immerse themselves into their natural world where they are free to inquire, explore, and reflect.

We model and teach respect for our eco- systems and the biodiversity within them. Children in all programs at Creative Explorations will experience relationships with animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms. Educators will participate in developmentally appropriate conversations about climate change, pollution, and other environmental concerns and their effects. Curiosity and drive for advocacy will be child led and supported with literature and community outreach. Our programs work with the children and their families to limit single use plastic, recycle, compost, and garden in an effort to minimize our carbon footprint.